Benjamin Stevens – Kettlebell Science




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Benjamin Stevens – Kettlebell Science

Kettlebell Science
The most complete online kettlebell resource you’ll find, for both therapists and trainers alike.
Dr Benjamin Stevens

If you want to learn kettlebells as they apply in a wide variety of settings from rehab to performance, rather than learning the narrower “right” (*cough*cough*) way to do it, then this course is for you. We approach kettlebells as movement optimists, utilizing what we know from the research and clinical experience to integrate kettlebell systems into the broader landscape of what is going on in the performance and rehab worlds today.

What You Will Learn
You’ll learn all the traditional movements, but you’ll also learn a variety of other options

  • Kettlebell Deadlift
  • Kettlebell Swing
  • Kettlebell Clean
  • Turkish Getup
  • Kettlebell Arm Bar
  • Goblet Squat
  • Kettlebell Snatch
  • Single Leg Deadlifts
  • Kettlebell Swing Varieties
  • Multiple Squat options
  • Czech Getup
  • Tactical Getup
  • Technical Standup
  • Developmental/Stability Arm Bar
  • Multiple Kettlebell Clean Options
  • Systematic Approach to Loaded Carries



  • Gain a grasp on real-world models for how to regress AND progress kettlebell training to close the gap between the clinic and the gym. Your athletes will feel better and your Gramma will be setting all-time PRs.
  • Learn what the research says, what it doesn’t say, and where we can learn from other disciplines in our use of kettlebells. There’s tradition, and then there’s science, and the middle ground is the oh-so-sweet spot.
  • Understand what proper and poor technique look like and when (and why!?) it matters. Get ready for biomechanics, rate of loading, and timing. Goniometers not welcome.
  • Understand the nuances of kettlebells as an implement and why/how you should use them with your clients, while understanding the cues that are most likely to bring about the desired movement outcomes.
  • Learn kettlebell training from both ends of the spectrum: detrained and rehab oriented, all the way to fitness and performance oriented. Let’s get real, those are not two ends of a spectrum, they are often the same person.

183 Lessons

  • A Clinical and Biomechanical Breakdown of the Kettlebell Swing.
    A Clinical and Biomechanical Breakdown of the Kettlebell Swing
  • Introduction
    How this course came to be
    How to take this course
    Introduction to the Instructor and to Kettlebells
  • Breathing
    Breathing Notes
    Breathing Lecture
    Breathing via Position and Eccentric Activation of the Abdominal Wall
    Biomechanical Breathing Match – Reason for Timing the Inhale
    Interesting Read: Kime and the Moving Body – Somatic Codes in Japanese Martial Arts
    EXTRA: Alternative Lecture on Biomechanical Breathing Match
    Peer Reviewed: Greater diaphragm fatigability in individuals with recurrent low back pain
    Peer Reviewed: Postural Function of the Diaphragm in Persons With and Without Chronic Low Back Pain
    Peer Reviewed: Stabilizing Function Of The Diaphragm: Dynamic MRI And Synchronized Spirometric Assessment
    Peer Reviewed: Analysis of Diaphragm Movement during Tidal Breathing and during its Activation while Breath Holding Using MRI Synchronized with Spirometry
    Peer Reviewed: Contraction Of The Human Diaphragm During Rapid Postural Adjustments
    Peer Reviewed: Voice Production during a Weightlifting and Support Task
    Peer Reviewed: The Effects Of Forced Exhalation And Inhalation, Grunting, And Valsalva Maneuver On Forehand Force In Collegiate Tennis Players
    Peer Reviewed: The Perception of Benefit of Vocalization on Performance When Producing Maximum Effort
    Peer Reviewed: Grunting In Tennis Increases Ball Velocity But Not Oxygen Cost
    Peer Reviewed: Investigation of the Breathing Pattern Structure in Competitive Exercises of Kettlebell Lifters
  • Tension & Relaxation
    Tension & Relaxation
    Peer Reviewed: Evidence Of A Double Peak In Muscle Activation To Enhance Strike Speed And Force: An Example With Elite Mixed Martial Arts Fighters
  • Position, Risk, Movement Strategy
    Position Notes
    Position & Risk Lecture
    Risk and Position Quiz
  • Hip Hinge
    Hip Hinge Notes
    Hip Hinge & Hinge Pinch
    Foot Rooting
    Stick Hinge
    Shaka Hinge
    Banded Hinges and Plank
    Hip Hinging Quiz
    Recommended Practice: Hip Hinge
  • Deadlift
    Deadlift Notes
    Deadlift Lecture
    Recommended Practice: Deadlifts
    Deadlift Breakout
    Peer Reviewed: Anthropometry and the Deadlift
    Peer Reviewed: Effects of Kettlebell Swing vs. Explosive Deadlift Training on Strength and Power
    Peer Reviewed: Electromyographic activity in deadlift exercise and its variants. A systematic review (2020)
  • Load Bridges the Gap
    Load & Cueing Notes
    Load Bridges the Gap & The 3 Ways That Load Changes How We Move
    Peer Reviewed: Sticks and Stones: The Impact of Language in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
    Cueing 101: The Assumptions in our Cues and Lingo
    Internal vs External Cueing
    Loading Quiz
  • Attentional Focus
    Peer Reviewed: Attentional Focus And Motor Learning: A Review Of 15 Years (2013)
    Peer Reviewed: Differential Effects Of Attentional Focus Strategies During Long-term Resistance Training
    Peer Reviewed: Instructing Skilled Athletes To Focus Their Attention Externally At Greater Distances Enhances Jumping Performance
    Peer Reviewed: Coaching Instructions and Cues for Enhancing Sprint Performance
  • Swings
    Checklist: The Kettlebell Swing
    Swing Notes
    Intro to Swings & Hand Launcher
    Hike Pass Repeats
    Swing Singles
    Kettlebell Swing
    Single Hand Swings
    Recommended Practice: Swings
  • Swings Continued
    Guest Interview: Prof Stuart McGill
    Reviewing Sheer Patterns in the Spine with Kime
    Swing Extra Notes
    Swings: Hamstrings, Technique, EMG studies, Clinical
    On “Quality”, Inertial Contribution, and Tension.
    Clinical Talk: Timing, Lever Arms, and Torque
    SAMPLE: Beginners
    Swing Quiz
  • Swing Supplementary Material
    Peer Reviewed: Kettlebell Swing, Snatch, And Bottoms-up Carry: Back And Hip Muscle Activation, Motion, And Low Back Loads
    Peer Reviewed: Changes in the medial–lateral hamstring activation ratio with foot rotation during lower limb exercise
    Peer Reviewed: Core Muscle Activation In One-armed And Two-armed Kettlebell Swing
    Peer Reviewed: Kettlebell Swing Targets Semitendinosus And Supine Leg Curl Targets Biceps Femoris- An EMG Study With Rehabilitation Implications
    Peer Reviewed: EMG Of Lower Limb Muscles During Kettlebell Exercises
    Peer Reviewed: Impact of exercise selection on hamstring muscle activation
    Peer Reviewed: Kinematic Comparisons of Kettlebell Two-Arm Swings by Skill Level
    Peer Reviewed: Kinematic And Kinetic Variables Differ Between Kettlebell Swing Styles
    Peer Reviewed: Hamstring myoelectrical activity during three different kettlebell swing exercises
    Peer Reviewed: Electromyographical Comparison Of Muscle Activation Patterns Across Three Commonly Performed Kettlebell Exercises
    Peer Reviewed: EMG Analysis and Sagittal Plane Kinematics of the Two-Handed and Single-Handed KB Swing: A Descriptive Study
    Peer Reviewed: Biomechanical Loading Of The AMERICAN Kettlebell Swing
    Peer Reviewed: Trunk Muscle Activity in One- and Two-Armed American Kettlebell Swing in Resistance-Trained Men
    Peer Reviewed: Effects Of Kettlebell Mass On Lower-body Joint Kinetics During A Kettlebell Swing Exercise
    Swing Breakout (with some cleans as well)
  • Goblet Squat
    Goblet Squat
    BONUS: Dan John – Inventor of the Goblet Squat
    Recommended Practice: Goblets Squat
  • Cleans
    Clean Notes
    Clean 1 (Safety, Dead, Cradle)
    Cleans 2 (Regular and Cues)
    Cleans 3 (Casting & Arm Wrestle)
    Pin & Slice Slo Mo
    Cleans Quiz
    Recommended Practice: Cleans
    Sample: Double Cleans with 32 KG x 2
    Workout Sample: 3 Swings, 2 Cleans, 3 Swings
    BONUS: Calluses and Kettlebell Movement
  • Sticks & Stones
    Sticks & Stones Notes
    Therapeutic Alliance
    Therapeutic Emplotment
    Peer Reviewed: A Review Of Therapist Characteristics And Techniques Positively Impacting The Therapeutic Alliance
    Peer Reviewed: Therapeutic Alliance Predicts Symptomatic Improvement Session by Session
    Peer Reviewed: Relation of the Therapeutic Alliance With Outcome and Other Variables: A Meta-Analytic Review
    Peer Reviewed: Therapeutic Alliance Facilitates Adherence To Physiotherapy-led Exercise And Physical Activity For Older Adults With Knee Pain: A Longitudinal Qualitative Study
    Peer Reviewed: A Review Of Therapist Characteristics And Techniques Negatively Impacting The Therapeutic Alliance
  • Movement Options
    Movement Options Notes
    Movement Options 1 (Squats)
    Breakout Sample: U/L Front Squat
    Movement Options 2 (DL and Capture)
    BONUS: Capturing Breakout (Volume very low)
    Movement Options 3 (Squat Swing)
    Recommended Practice: Movement Options
  • Quick Recap
    BONUS: Quick Review of Principles
  • Pressing
    Pressing Notes
    Modern Thinking – Pressing kettlebells
    Review of cleans – Pressing
    Pressing 1 (Progressions)
    Both arms – SA:DA
    Pressing 2 (Plus)
    Pressing Quiz
    Recommended Practice: Pressing
    Workout Sample 6 (OH Press)
    BONUS: Alternative Pressing Lecture
    Peer Reviewed: Weightlifting Overhead Pressing Derivatives: A Review of the Literature
    Peer Reviewed: Comparison of Muscle Activation during an Overhead Press: Kettlebell v. Dumbbell
    Peer Reviewed: Surface Electromyographic Analysis of Exercises for the Trapezius and Serratus Anterior Muscles
    Peer Reviewed: Stability of Resistance Training Implement alters EMG Activity during the Overhead Press
  • Snatch
    Snatch Notes
    Snatch Lecture: Intro
    Snatch Lecture: Progression to the Snatch.
    Progressions to the Snatch
    Snatch Lecture & Breakouts: Taming the Arc and Eccentric Portion
    Slow Motion Snatch (For Reference)
    Hand Ripping and the way down in the Snatch
    Full Sets of Snatches!
    Snatch Quiz
    Recommended Practice: Snatch
    BONUS: Alternative Snatch Lecture
    BONUS: Applied Snatch Strategy
    Peer Reviewed: External kinetics of the kettlebell snatch in amateur lifters (Sport Style Snatch)
  • Arm Bar
    Arm Bar Notes
    Arm Bar Part 1
    Arm Bar Part 2
    Peer Reviewed: The Kettlebell Arm Bar
    BONUS: Arm Bar Alternative Lecture Part 1
    BONUS: Arm Bar Alternative Lecture Part 2 (Ft Mike’s Ass!)
    Arm Bar DNS Integration w Michael Maxwell
    BONUS: Arm Bar Breakout Footage
    Recommended Practice: Arm Bar
  • Getups
    Getup Notes
    Turkish Getups Part 1
    Turkish Getups Partt 2
    Getup Variations and Options
    Getup Quiz
    Recommended Practice: Getups
    BONUS: Turkish Getup Pattern Assist
    BONUS: Alternative Lecture Part 1 and Bottom Half Breakout
    BONUS: Alternative Lecture on other Getup Types
    BONUS: Getup Breakout
    Peer Reviewed: A Descriptive Analysis Of Shoulder Muscle Activities During 2 Individual Stages Of The Turkish Get-up Exercise
    Peer Reviewed: Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up: Training Tool for Injury Prevention and Performance Enhancement
  • Loaded Carries
    Loaded Carries Notes
    Loaded Carries Lecture Part 1
    Loaded Carries Lecture Part 2
    Loaded Carries Lecture Part 3
    Loaded Carries Lecture Part 4
    Loaded Carries Lecture Part 5
    Loaded Carries Matrix
    Loaded Carries Quiz
    BONUS: Weighted Carries Breakout (B/L FR)
    BONUS: Loaded Carries Bonus Lecture (Sheer & Shift)
    Loaded Carries Bonus Lecture (Quiet Walking Focus)
    Double FR Loaded Carry Sample
    BONUS: Loaded Carries Breakout Video (Carries and Planes)
    BONUS: RNT Training the Carry
    BONUS: Loaded Carry Breakout 2 (OH Carries)
    BONUS: Loaded Carries Workout Sample (Loaded Carries)
    Peer Reviewed: Surface Electromyographic Analysis Of Differential Effects In Kettlebell Carries For The Serratus Anterior Muscles
  • Application Session
    Application Session Part 1
    Application session Part 2
    Application Session Part 3
    BONUS: Lecture Corrective Recap and Shoulder Case Study
  • Outro
    Download some literature!
    Outro & Thank you

Dr Benjamin Stevens

Dr Stevens has taught and attended hundreds of courses all across North America on a broad array of topics. He found his way to Somatic Senses naturally through continual involvement in the industry and drive to improve. In operating Somatic Senses, he aims to find the impactful, evidence-based and/or cutting edge approaches to health and bring them to the masses through course work.Dr Stevens has presented on a variety of topics for a wide variety of organizations such as professional sports teams, national and provincial health associations, as well as plethora private groups of trainers and therapists.He resides in Kelowna, BC where current areas of interest include neuroscience, concussion, Blood Flow Restriction, Return to Sport, and Strength & Conditioning.In his spare time you’ll find him in the gym, touring the backcountry (summer and winter alike), juggling kettlebells at the beach, or spending lots of time with his wife and daughter.

Tim Pearce – DCAM 2.0 Aesthetics Marketing & Social Media

Course Contents

Video Modules
Get Their Attention
Become Their Bestie
Become Their Hero
Trigger Them To Book
Save Time
Tech Tutorials


Video Introduction by Miranda Pearce

Did you know that a shocking 69% of Injectors are only getting 0-1 booking per week from social media?
And what’s worse… they’re spending up to 5+ hours creating content every week… but getting almost no results from it.

I hear Injectors struggling with this every day…

“The time it takes to create content doesn’t reflect the revenue that should come from my efforts”.
I get it… it’s like adding a full-time job on top of everything you already have on your plate as a Practitioner.

You put your heart and soul into creating the perfect post, you spend ages on it, you hit publish… and… nothing. Crickets. Or maybe a few views from other Practitioners, your mum and your grandma.

But no real engagement from potential clients.

And definitely not enough bookings to make it worth your while.

You get so tempted to throw in the towel because it feels like it’s all a waste of time.

But on the other hand, you also know that social media can be a GOLDMINE.

And you also know that if you just rely on word of mouth, you’ll get left behind.

You know others are having success with social media… you see those Injectors that get huge engagement, lots of bookings.

They’re posting content online and laughing all the way to the bank.

So why is it just not happening for you??

What are they doing that you’re not doing?

Do they know something you don’t?

The truth is… they DO know something you don’t.
And they ARE doing something you’re not.
Over the past few months I’ve had more and more Injectors telling me they’re in the same situation…

And if you’re stuck there too,


Reach, views and engagement have dropped for everyone. It’s the algorithm’s fault.

But I know it’s not the answer you want to hear.

I’ve helped thousands of Injectors tap into the power of social media over the past XX years and I noticed something curious happening lately…

While a lot of Injectors are struggling to get consistent engagement and bookings from social media…

There’s another group of Injectors that are absolutely crushing it.

And I wanted to know why.

I wanted to figure out what that successful group of Injectors were doing that was helping them to get 6+ bookings per week from social media.
So I set out on a mission.

I surveyed over 870 Injectors and audited hundreds of social media accounts and a pattern started to emerge…

And I realised that the Injectors missing even ONE of these things, were struggling to get any results from social media.

So that’s when I put all my findings together to create a simple framework ANYONE could follow to get amazing results.

I call it… The Stairway To Bookings

Just imagine…

No more wasting time and energy wondering what to post or creating content for the sake of it. You know exactly what to share, and best of all, every post feels like a direct conversation with your ideal client – it never feels like wasted effort.
Confidently waving goodbye to your public health sector job knowing you’re on your way to building a wildly successful business. You open up your booked-out calendar every morning, all thanks to the magnetic pull of your social media presence.
No longer hoping for word-of-mouth referrals. Instead, you can rely on your social media to act as your unstoppable, 24/7 ambassador, bringing in clients even while you sleep.
Clients walking into your clinic fully trusting you and your expertise. They’ve seen your content and they’re already convinced they’re in the right hands. No hard selling, just genuine connections.
Having a reliable and proven strategy to grow a thriving clinic that gives you the financial freedom you dream of and deserve. You know how to get clients consistently and you can finally focus on your dreams, passions, and maybe even that dream holiday you’ve been putting off.
This is all possible when you follow a PROVEN system to turn social media into your own goldmine.

Dream Customer Attraction Method 2.0
Dream Customer Attraction Method (DCAM) 2.0 is an online marketing course designed specifically for Aesthetic Clinicians who are serious about growing their business. Updated for what’s working NOW in social media and based on evidence-backed strategies that TRULY WORK.

Everything you need to know from top to bottom and beginning to end is inside, so that you can:

Easily create social media posts that get ENGAGEMENT and CONSISTENT BOOKINGS, instead of wasting time creating content that gets ignored.
Set up a proven step-by-step system to convert scrollers into clients, so you can create financial freedom for your family.
Stop trying to attract patients with discounts, and instead, attract the RIGHT kind of patients by establishing trust and genuine connections. Get people to see you as the expert and as their trusted friend, so that they don’t want to book with anyone but YOU.
Do all this with a tribe of like-minded clinicians to cheer you on.
All delivered in a clear, easy to use way, and not just from some random marketing generalist. This course is 100% bespoke to aesthetics based on myself and Tim’s success in this industry…

Founders of a multi-million pound clinic
Trained 20k Practitioners in our training academy and online
Combined social media following of over 290,000
Here’s What’s Included:

Video Masterclasses
You’ll learn how to:

Set yourself apart and get attention from the right kind of followers.
Create content that makes people online gravitate towards you and want to book with YOU and no one else.
Create content that shows off your knowledge and expertise so that patients come to you already trusting you and ready for treatment.
Trigger people to actually book in, so that they’re not just seeing your content and scrolling on.
Plus 6 incredible bonuses:

The Purple Book
This is the marketing bible! This gorgeous book will be delivered to your home and includes all the course material from the video masterclasses in a book. And it’s got space for reflections in there so you can use it like a journal as well and it’s also a great accountability tool.

Content Cheat Cards
These cards are designed to make content creation feel FUN instead of feeling like a chore. There are 52 cards with step-by-step instructions and content ideas you can use. No more overthinking what to create – each content card gives you the hook, instructions about what to do, a call to action, and some fun tips to make your post even better.

30 Days Of Done-For-You Canva Templates
You don’t even have to think about what content to share – we’ve created one month’s worth of content that you can just plug and play easily with these beautiful templates. You can add your own touches to the templates using Canva and you’ve got an entire month of content ready to publish. And you get to reuse these forever.

Canva Mastery Course
Canva is an amazing and free online software you can use to easily create professional-looking content, even if you have absolutely no experience designing graphics. We’ve worked with a Canva expert and this course walks you through everything step by step, including editing the templates & designing your own content. You’re never going to need a graphic designer again after this.

Time-Saving Bible
I know that creating content can be really time-consuming, so this is a print-out you can refer to any time with 7 hacks that professionals use to save time when creating content. You’ll learn how to use ChatGPT to make creating content so much easier and faster, and some amazing apps you can use to save time.

Meet Miranda Pearce

​Expert Marketing Advisor for thousands of Aesthetic Clinicians
​Founded SkinViva Clinic in 2008 with husband Dr Tim Pearce (over 1,000 5 star reviews)
Successfully grew the business to over £3 million per year
​Took Dr Tim brand from 5,000 – 37,000 Instagram followers in 18 months
Co-hosts the UK’s number 1 aesthetics podcast
Founded ‘Medical Aesthetics Mindset Warriors’ Facebook Group with 4,500+ members
DCAM 2.0 Aesthetics Marketing & Social Media By Tim Pearce, What Is It Included (Content Proof: Watch Here!)

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Innovative Business Model:
    • Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
  2. The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
    • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
  3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
    • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
      • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
      • No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
      • No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
      • No direct email support from the author or their team.

    We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

Refund is acceptable:

  • Firstly, item is not as explained
  • Secondly, Item do not work the way it should.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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