The Power to Heal Yourself Mentorship Program
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The Power to Heal Yourself Mentorship Program
With Psychologist
Dr. Margaret Paul
New Live Training Starts
Are you looking for that “missing piece” that has eluded you during years of meditation, healing and transformational work?
Do you long to tap into a deep, sustaining, unconditional self-love that frees you from cycles of negativity, fear and shame — so you can move through the world with joy and confidence, and experience deeper intimacy in your relationships?
Would it excite you to have access to your higher guidance at all times so you could uplevel your state of consciousness and create a life of authentic purpose and ongoing manifestation?
If so, keep reading.
Those of us who have been on a transformational path have typically spent many years meditating, doing therapy of some kind and participating in personal growth workshops. We’ve created powerful life intentions and worked on releasing our childhood stories. We’ve journaled our traumas. We’ve replaced limiting beliefs with more empowering ones.
And yet, if you’re like most of us, there hasn’t been a deep shift in the baseline of loving yourself, which is central to your happiness. There may remain a subtle level of judgment and frustration with where you are — a sense of not quite being good enough. Deep down, you may feel unlovable, inadequate and ashamed of parts of yourself… or feel you need to improve in some way before you can be happy. You may even hate aspects of yourself.
These thoughts not only make you feel badly about yourself, they also undermine your relationships. You show up looking to GET love from people, rather than SHARE love, which leads to all sorts of problems.
The beliefs that prevent you from creating a secure sense of inner wholeness can be traced back to the parts of you that are in need of healing.
Many of these issues are part and parcel of the human condition. Very few of us developed a truly healthy template for love in childhood. In our youthful naivete we may have assumed WE were to blame — creating a core sense of shame or inadequacy.
Instead of addressing such feelings at their root, we often create substitute ways to either experience some sense of unconditional love or avoid its painful absence through addictions to alcohol, drugs or sex, bouts with unhealthy eating patterns, or even numbing our feelings though obsessions with media or technology.
Anything, it seems, to fill that emptiness inside so we can feel better about ourselves.
So when you hear spiritual teachers sing the praises of unconditional love, you may feel depressed because you’re keenly aware of the swirl of self-judging thoughts, muddied emotions and seemingly endless drama that manifests in your relationships — which feel anything but loving.
Truly Loving Yourself From the Inside
Thus, finding a steady stream of unconditional love from the INSIDE can seem like an impossible goal. Even if you’re a dedicated seeker, you may find yourself struggling with a sense of incompleteness — and the belief that wholeness is so impossibly beyond your reach.
The solution? Discovering how to truly love different parts of yourself, and to create a secure inner bond between them.
The lack of this deep inner bonding is at the core of a remarkable number of challenges you may be dealing with, from relationship struggles to addictions, anxiety and depression.
Behind the “everything’s great” facade you present to the world, there’s almost always a place where you’re rejecting or abandoning yourself… often without consciously realizing it.
A Proven Process for Healing
It’s time for a new approach — one that blends spiritual practices with psychological science. That approach is Inner Bonding, co-founded by psychologist Dr. Margaret Paul.
Inner Bonding begins with compassionate, deep inquiry into accessing and healing wounded parts of yourself and creating a new inner template — one based on the wisdom of your higher Self, rather than the flawed “teachings’s of your childhood role models.
It helps you feel, embrace and embody the totality of your Self, so that you release any control games and addictive patterns, and discover how to act in ways that reflect real self-love.
Before creating the Inner Bonding methodology, Dr. Margaret had reached a point in her private practice where she was frustrated by the lack of real progress being made by clients. Then, when she met the method’s co-creator, they received higher guidance about how to develop a system to address and resolve these major psychological and spiritual blocks.
Since the creation of Inner Bonding, Dr. Margaret has been blown away with the results in her practice, as well as in her own life. The core practices are remarkably effective with virtually everyone, and have positively impacted tens of thousands worldwide — including people like Grammy-winning artist Alanis Morissette, who has become a powerful public champion of the work.
In the years since its inception, Inner Bonding has gained in stature and importance as a potent method for creating the internal self-love that is the hallmark of psychological and spiritual health (and which results in far more satisfying relationships).
During the Power to Heal Yourself Mentorship Program, you’ll learn the core insights and practices of this groundbreaking approach and be supported to bring them deeply into your life to cultivate true unconditional self-love and self-worth — the foundation needed to move beyond addictions, dramas and dysfunctions of all kinds.
The Power of Inner Bonding
One way of understanding the Inner Bonding approach is to think about how psychology has shown that different levels of secure attachment are essential for a developing child. When you don’t have the attachments you need, parts of you feel left out and rejected — parts of your personality and Self that were not seen, embraced or loved by your parents
Virtually all of us reach adulthood with some aspects of ourselves feeling this pain of rejection.
Instead of accepting this woundedness as a hopeless scenario, Inner Bonding uses a specific and proven 6-step methodology to establish clear, loving connections between these different aspects of your consciousness, and also to your higher Self.
You’ll be taken through these six steps in a precise, immersive way during The Power to Heal Yourself Mentorship Program — giving you not only an experience of unconditional love in the present, but also the ongoing support to work deeply with different aspects of your Self that block sustained healing.
You’ll learn how to dialogue with your feelings, pain, anxiety, self-hatred and fear, as well as get to the core of self-abandonment and shame. You’ll see how you can start connecting to higher guidance around your beliefs, and take loving actions that reinforce positive shifts.
You’ll even learn how to establish new brain pathways for truly loving yourself.
Be Guided Step by Step
The first step in the Inner Bonding approach is understanding how to be present in your body through mindfulness practice. Most people live in their heads, and sidestep their feelings by judging themselves. Because they’re abandoning themselves, they feel more alone and empty, creating even more pain. Dr. Margaret will help you discover how to truly be in your body, so you can be fully present to your feelings.
The second step is based on being grounded in the intention, I will learn how to love myself. During this phase of the journey, you’ll discover how to love yourself in a way that frees you from controlling behaviors and unconscious reactions to pain. You’ll then be better equipped to move into your healthy adult self.
The third step is a dialogue process with your feelings — pain, anxiety, fear, shame. You’ll begin to see all feelings as information instead of things to avoid. You’ll understand the root of why you avoid certain overwhelming feelings, what you’re doing now to perpetuate wounded feelings, and how to release outdated beliefs.
In the fourth step, you’ll learn to open to your higher source of guidance, focusing on how to love yourself and what loving actions you can take toward yourself. This will help you raise the frequency of your consciousness — amplifying access to your higher purpose, creativity and joy.
In the fifth step, you’ll take loving actions to reinforce this higher frequency. And in the sixth, to complete the process, you’ll learn to carefully and accurately evaluate your feelings.
This entire sequence can be applied many times throughout your day — during meditation, a break at work, or even while you’re sitting at a traffic light.
It gives you an easy-to-use roadmap for bringing issues, fears, anxieties and challenges that arise into a state of loving wholeness.
Make a Lasting Shift Into Love
This program affords you the rare opportunity to join an intimate circle and work closely with Dr. Margaret Paul — one of the most respected teachers on self-healing of our day. She’s eager to help you create a lasting shift into true self-love that improves every aspect of your life AND provides you with a daily personal connection with the loving source of your higher guidance.
Nine months is the time it takes to carry a baby to term. It can also be the time it takes to birth a new YOU — one that’s connected to deep currents of love that can transform you, your relationships and the larger world.
Imagine what can happen over nine months, as persistent false beliefs and inner blocks drop away and you open to loving and valuing yourself all the time. Imagine moving through your days attuned to your higher guidance, intuitively knowing which choices and opportunities are best for you.
Imagine the new levels of joy, healing, connection and purpose that will become available to you as self-love is reflected in your every thought, word and action.
It’s all possible through Inner Bonding, which provides a gateway to deep and lasting self-healing.
Establishing new neural pathways for truly loving yourself takes time and consistent effort, which is easier to do with an expert guide and within a committed supportive group. Participating in this 9-month mentorship program will enable you to fully experience the deep healing and freedom that’s accessible through Inner Bonding — and emerge from the process transformed by, and dwelling in, love.
If you KNOW you’re here to open to your wondrous depths, honor all of who you are, and awaken to a greater field of love — this is a path designed for you.
Here are just some of the benefits you’ll receive when you say “YES” to The Power To Heal Yourself Mentorship Program:
- Experience freedom from repetitive negative patterns (e.g., self-judgment, relationship conflicts, addictions, attracting the wrong type of people)
- Find out how to move from trying to get love, to experiencing and sharing love
- Release the pain, anger and shame that weigh you down
- End unhealthy patterns that block intimacy
- Get to the root of what’s causing depression and anxiety, and discover how to shift it
- Release and heal outdated beliefs about yourself
- Move out of stagnation into a life of aliveness, passion and sense of purpose
- Enhance your ability to resolve disconnection and conflicts with others in a loving way
- Approach new relationships from a position of fullness instead of neediness
- Replace unhealthy, depleting strategies to get love with positive, revitalizing approaches
- Discover how to engage self-love — instead of addictions to food, sex or drugs — to fill your inner emptiness
- Find freedom from parts of your past that negatively impact the present
- Find out how to deepen your spiritual practices so you can consistently operate at a higher consciousness
- Move beyond feelings of victimhood, powerlessness and hopelessness
- Realize how to love others in a self-responsible and adult way
- Feel more intimate with — and sourced by — your connection to the Divine
- Transform patterns of stress, overwhelm and exhaustion — and welcome greater ease, relaxation and peace into your life
- Access, and more easily receive, direct messages from your intuitive guidance
The Power To Heal Yourself Mentorship Journey
This mentorship program will adapt to your unique needs while moving through three distinct 3-month phases designed to deepen your journey of Inner Bonding.
PHASE ONE – Connecting With Self
The first three months of the program begin with going deep within yourself and exploring what it really means to love every aspect of yourself by engaging fully in the Inner Bonding process.
Module 1: Deeper Into Steps One & Two of Inner Bonding
In this first month, you’ll understand what it really means to be present in your body with your feelings. You’ll also discover how the power of your intent — to learn or to control — governs much of what happens for you in life.
Along with Margaret’s group coaching, you’ll:
- Understand what willingness really means, and how this understanding can catalyze your deeper transformation
- Explore how to become authentically present
- Discover how to stay present with your feelings in a way that’s deeply healing
- Uncover and work with the resistance you have to taking responsibility for your feelings
- Explore the fear of feeling, and move beyond stuck places you may not even be aware of
- Illuminate the underlying reasons you may feel anxiety and depression
- Discover the underlying reasons you may also be feeling guilt, shame and anger
- Explore emptiness and aloneness, and how they impact your life
- Discover the power of your intent — and what may be getting in the way of your intent to learn
- Find out how to connect more deeply with your spiritual guidance
- Understand how to stay focused in your heart
- Experience the joy of living as a compassionate and curious loving adult
Module 2: Deeper Into Steps Three & Four of Inner Bonding
In this month, you’ll receive in-depth help with the powerful Inner Bonding dialogue process that enables you to discover what your feelings are telling you and identify the false beliefs that cause much of your pain. You’ll also develop your ability to instantly access your spiritual guidance to identify your highest good in every situation.
Along with Margaret’s group coaching, you’ll:
- Deepen your dialogue with your core painful and wounded feelings
- Discover the lies you may be telling yourself
- Uncover and begin to heal the ways you abandon and reject yourself
- Understand the purpose of shame and how to work with it
- Find out to discern between healthy and unhealthy guilt
- Begin to become adept at managing your core pain
- Know the difference between hurt feelings and a hurt heart
- Engage in illuminating dialogues with your inner child about what brings you joy
- Explore how to raise your frequency and keep it high
- Know how your higher guidance communicates with you
- Access your personal guidance more fully
- Understand the most powerful questions to ask your guidance
- Know how to tell if it is your guidance answering
- Experience how to test — and grow to trust — your guidance
Module 3: Deeper Into Steps Five & Six of Inner Bonding
In this month, you’ll develop the strength to take loving action on your own behalf for your highest good. You’ll learn how to define your own self-worth, and come to understand how to tell the difference between what’s true and loving to you — and what’s not.
Along with Margaret’s group coaching, you’ll:
- Establish how to take loving action for your highest good
- Understand what stops your loving action
- Explore what’s in charge of the actions you take, and how to be more in charge
- Recognize what self-care really means for you — physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, organizationally and relationally
- Discover and feel your intrinsic worth
- Get unstuck from procrastination if it’s present
- Begin to take loving action in your relationships
- Master the art of lovingly disengaging
- Understand the power of relaxing into process rather than fixating on a goal
- Be given the keys to staying present throughout the day
- Integrate Inner Bonding into your daily life
PHASE TWO – Connecting With Your Personal Spiritual Guidance & the Art of Manifestation
This next phase of the journey helps you develop your spiritual connection much more deeply so that it can support you in everyday life. You’ll also learn how to begin to manifest the life of your dreams in new and powerful ways.
Module 4: Frequency
This month, you’ll develop your ability to maintain a high enough frequency to stay in constant contact with your spiritual guidance. You’ll also discover the subconscious blocks to connection that may be keeping you stuck in key areas of your life.
Along with Margaret’s group coaching, you’ll:
- Explore the ideas of God, Spirit and guidance
- Understand what frequency is and how it impacts your life
- Begin to understand the blocks to raising your frequency, and how to move beyond them
- Understand the connection between your mind and your frequency
- Explore your attachment to outcomes, and how to live from a more empowered place
- Illuminate the connection between food, drugs and frequency
- Know what creates a high or low frequency
- Develop a deeper trust of your imagination
- Know how to raise your frequency and keep it high
Module 5: Connection
In this month, you’ll deepen your ability to connect with your guidance and understand how your guidance is communicating with you moment by moment — always letting you know that you are never alone. Discover how to use this guidance to make decisions that serve your highest good.
Along with Margaret’s group coaching, you’ll:
- Connect with your guidance
- Understand the relationship between your intent and your spiritual connection
- Establish how to trust your guidance (but not blindly)
- Practice the power of mindfulness
- Practice connecting more deeply with the presence of love
- Explore the connections between your mind and soul, and your mind and intuition
- More deeply understand what your guidance is telling you
- Recognize how your guidance guides you
- Come to greater trust in yourself and in God/Spirit/Life
- Know how to utilize guidance to make decisions
- Explore the experience of “the dark night of the soul,” and how to work with it
- See your essence more clearly than ever before
- Open to moving beyond the fear of death
Module 6: Manifestation
This month, you’ll learn the profound secrets of the art of manifestation, and how to create the life of your dreams. You’ll also discover how to maintain inner peace and joy, and experience a profound state of grace.
Along with Margaret’s group coaching, you’ll:
- Connect the dots between what you want and what you’re manifesting
- Appreciate the powerful art of manifestation
- Explore the real “Law of Attraction”
- Find out key secrets of manifestation related to surrender and joy
- Discover the role that affirmations play in manifestation
- Give your wounded self a new job
- Experience the foundation of abundance
- Learn the connection between trust, safety and manifestation
- Understand how to tap into causeless joy
- Know how to connect with the state of grace
PHASE THREE – Connecting With Others
Now that you’ve taken a deep dive into self-love through the Inner Bonding process and tapped into your spiritual guidance for ongoing support, it’s time to move into your life and see how this work impacts your relationships — with partner, parents, children and everyone. This is where the next level of the work begins to take shape, allowing you to go even further into healing and love, and work with whatever arises.
Module 7: Fears, Controls & Relationship Systems
This month, you’ll discover what you might be doing that’s keeping you from attracting or creating the relationship of your dreams. Gain a deep understanding of relationship systems and the kind of relationship system you have now or have had in the past.
Along with Margaret’s group coaching, you’ll:
- Explore “what is the point of a relationship?”
- Recognize the difference between need and being needy
- Explore your relationship to love, and what it will give you
- Understand how to move from getting love to sharing love
- Illuminate your patterns of attraction, and how they relate to your woundedness
- Learn how self-abandonment affects your relationships
- Work with your fear of intimacy, rejection and engulfment
- Know how to recognize anxious and avoidant relationship styles
- Understand why you try to control — and what you can do instead
- Explore the relationship between control and resistance
- Deepen your understanding of relationship systems to create more love and healthier connections
Module 8: Responsibility for Feelings & Conflict Resolution
This month, you’ll discover how to share your feelings in a way that leads to intimacy rather than to conflict. You’ll also learn how to move beyond fighting and power struggles and into true conflict resolution.
Along with Margaret’s group coaching, you’ll:
- Understand how emotional dependency is impacting your life
- Overcome fears of rejection and engulfment
- Be able to take full responsibility for feelings
- Know if you are conflict avoidant, and what to do about it
- Explore how to navigate power struggles
- Discover the problem with expectations
- Understand the keys to conflict resolution
- Know how you are diffusing anger versus feeding the flames
- Recognize when to resolve conflict
- Investigate conflict resolution without words
- Know when apologies are helpful (and when they are not)
- Understand when to end a relationship
Module 9: Communication, Sharing Love & Intimacy
In this final month, you’ll deepen your understanding of how your intent to learn or control affects your communication and your emotional intimacy. You’ll also discover how to keep love and passion alive in a relationship.
Along with Margaret’s group coaching, you’ll:
- Experience how to speak your truth more powerfully
- Know when to listen and when to walk away
- Explore the keys to making requests versus demands
- Be aware of how to perform self-care in the moment
- Explore “what is a loving boundary?”
- Understand how to mend broken trust after betrayal
- Develop the courage to be vulnerable and authentic
- Enhance your mastery of the art of listening
- Know how best to reconnect after a fight
- Understand what sex means to you — really
- Explore the complexities of men, women and sex
- Understand the link between self-judgment and sexual addiction
- Find out how to heal abandonment and engulfment wounds within relationships
- Know how to heal rather than leave
- Understand how to keep love alive
- Fully appreciate that what is loving to you is loving to others
The Power To Heal Yourself Mentorship Program Bonus Collection
In addition to Margaret Paul’s powerful 9-month mentorship program, you’ll also receive these illuminating bonuses that complement the intensive — and deepen your understanding and transformation.
SelfQuest® Program
Life Changing, Self Guided Personal Empowerment Software From Margaret Paul
SelfQuest advanced transformational technology is designed to move you out of feeling like a victim and into personal responsibility for your feelings and behavior. It will transform your thinking out of patterns of shame and self- abandonment and into compassionate caring for yourself and others. It is a journey to find your true nature, your true beliefs, your true calling and your true potential. It is a journey of self-discovery, self-healing, self-empowerment, self-transformation and relationship healing.
SelfQuest is a comprehensive, self-guided, educational, personal empowerment and conflict resolution software application that runs on your computer and guides you through your personal history and behavior profile, helping you become aware of your fears and limiting beliefs. It helps you recognize and heal any uncaring, destructive and self-abandoning behaviors you may be experiencing and gives you the consciousness, mindfulness, wisdom and tools to manage, heal or overcome almost any life challenge.
You’ll discover how to:
- Create loving personal and family relationships and caring professional relationships
- Heal and enhance your sexual relationship
- Create a deep sense of self-worth
- Resolve conflict in your personal and professional relationships
- Self-heal substance abuse and addictions
- Self-heal anxiety, depression, stress, anger, guilt and shame
- Create or deepen your spiritual connection
- Achieve happiness, healing and loving relationships
- And much, much more!
The SelfQuest software is a powerful complement to this 9-month intensive and will help you unleash the true power within you to find yourself, heal yourself and love yourself.
Food & the Loving Adult
Audio Dialogue With Geneen Roth
In this special session created specifically for this course, Dr. Margaret and Geneen support you in making healthy, conscious choices around food. They will discuss the difference between having the loving adult in charge of choosing your food and putting the ego wounded self in charge.
Geneen Roth is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Women, Food and God. She has appeared on many national television shows including, The Oprah Show, 20/20, The NBC Nightly News, The View, CBS Early Show, The Dr. Oz Show and Good Morning America. Articles about Geneen and her work have appeared in numerous publications including, O: The Oprah Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Time, Elle, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune andThe Philadelphia Inquirer. Geneen is the author of nine books, including the bestsellers, Lost and Found and When Food Is Love.
Deeper Into Inner Bonding
Podcast Series
In this special collection of “Ask Margaret” podcasts, hosted by Dr. Anita Arche, Margaret answers questions from Inner Bonding practitioners and discusses deeper issues of the healing process. In listening to the questions of others, your own journey will be further supported as you learn to fully integrate the Inner Bonding process into your life.
You’ll receive the following podcasts:
- “Ah” Relationships: Dr. Paul answers questions about the challenges many of us face in our relationships with each other and how relationships can be an arena for your personal and spiritual growth.
- Learning Through Relationships: Dr. Paul answers questions about many different conflict situations in relationships with friends, family and co-workers, and what we can learn about ourselves from these conflicts.
- Power & Control Issues: Dr. Paul addresses the power and control issues that often challenge relationships, as well as the control issues that frequently emerge regarding our own feelings and needs.
- Healing the Fear of Rejection: Dr. Paul answers questions about what causes a fear of rejection, what to do when you have been rejected, and what heals the fear of rejection.
- The Subtlety of Intent: Dr. Paul answers questions with a focus on intent and helps you to understand how subtle the intent to control and the intent to learn can be.
Expanding Your Inner Bonding Experience
Audio Dialogue With Carla de Cervantes
In this powerful session, Margaret is joined by one of her advanced students to discuss Carla’s personal transformation through Inner Bonding. Carla shares how Inner Bonding has changed her life emotionally and spiritually and how her relationships have changed since she has learned to love herself. This session is sure to illuminate your own healing journey and provide insight in how to go deeper into love.
Carla de Cervantes is the founder and principal of Personal Passages and an Inner Bonding Certified Facilitator. She is an executive coach who guides senior executives toward greater leadership effectiveness, performance excellence and personal fulfillment. Carla earned her BA from Amherst College, her MEd from UCLA, her MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business, and her coaching certification from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology.
What Inner Bonding Graduates Are Saying About Margaret Paul…
I have had counselling sessions in the past but none have been able to give me the answers I needed in order to feel complete. I have begun a journey of self-healing which I never thought possible.
— Sherry, United Kingdom
I got to really understand how to give my wounded inner child love and appreciate the importance of giving myself love as the first step in healing emotional issues… I am much more aware of what I need and am working to give myself love and self-care first.
— Donna, Canada
I highly recommend this course. Dr. Margaret is an awesome counselor and healer. I have found a peace and hope I’ve never experienced because of the growth I made during this course. I cannot express my gratitude enough to Dr. Margaret.
— Sandy, Trenton, Michigan
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Thirty-Six 90-Minute Class Sessions With Margaret Paul
Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn from one of the world’s leading self-love teachers right from the comfort of your own home. Each class session offers teaching content for deeper learning — plus group coaching in which Margaret will work with participants on the line each week to help integrate and deepen the transformations.
Audio Recordings of Class Sessions (36 Total)
After each class, the audio will be available to you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.
PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions (36 Total)
In addition to the high-quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.
Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
After each lesson, you will then have the option to do related exercises, practice new tools and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.
The Power to Heal Yourself Mentorship Program Bonus Collection
- SelfQuest® Program
Life Changing, Self Guided Personal Empowerment Software From Margaret Paul - Food & the Loving Adult
Audio Dialogue With Geneen Roth - Deeper Into Inner Bonding
Podcast Series - Expanding Your Inner Bonding Experience
Audio Dialogue With Carla de Cervantes
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Power To Heal Yourself Mentorship Program
We feel honored that Dr. Margaret Paul has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online training. This is a rare opportunity to interact directly with a renowned author and psychologist whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and take our self-love and relationships to the next level.
Through this powerful LIVE format, you’ll not only save time and money on retreat costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll also be able to benefit from her incredible teachings and practices from the comfort of your home — at your own pace!
What People Are Saying About Dr. Margaret Paul…
Inner Bonding really nurtures and fosters the relationship between self and spirit. Personally, it has helped every relationship that I have. I’m so grateful to Margaret for bringing Inner Bonding to people in the generous, nurturing way that she has.
— Alanis Morissette , Singer-songwriter
[Here] is a method for recreating yourself as a powerful, spiritually connected, loving adult self… a powerful method for healing relationship and family conflict, as well as for healing self-destructive and addictive behavior.
— Neale Donald Walsch , Author of Conversations with God
Would you think me crazy if I said there was a single process that could solve all the issues with which we as human beings struggle? [Inner Bonding teaches] a most loving process [that] will take you on a life-changing journey…
— Lindsay Wagner , Actress, Author, Humanitarian
About Margaret Paul
Dr. Margaret Paul is the author/co-author of several bestselling books, including Do I Have to Give Up Me to Be Loved By You?, Inner Bonding, Healing Your Aloneness, The Healing Your Aloneness Workbook, Do I Have To Give Up Me to Be Loved By My Kids? and Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God? Dr. Paul’s books have been distributed around the world and have been translated into 11 languages.
Margaret holds a PhD in psychology and is a relationship expert, noted public speaker, workshop leader, educator, chaplain, consultant and artist. She has appeared on many radio and TV shows, including Oprah, successfully worked with thousands of individuals, couples and businesspeople, and taught classes and seminars since 1967.
Margaret continues to work with individuals and couples, and is passionate about helping people rapidly heal the root cause of their pain and discover the path to joy and loving relationships.
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