Bill Bauman – The Shift Network – Awakening the Mystic Christ Within
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Bill Bauman – The Shift Network – Awakening the Mystic Christ Within
With Modern-Day Mystic & Spiritual Teacher
Bill Bauman
An Opportunity to Reclaim the Sacred Truths at the Core of Your Being and Live from
Your Spiritual Depths
What if you dared what has long been unthinkable in the Christian church, which is to claim Christ consciousness as your birthright?
Imagine the divinity you would experience as well as the capacity for healing, awakening and love that you would activate if you were really able to see and integrate the fullness of the sacred presence within you.
In ancient times, due in part to the political goals of Rome, Jesus became seen as THE Christ rather than an amazing pioneer of the Christ potential within all of us. And that move has created challenges for humanity ever since.
We’ve seen Jesus as the ONLY Christ rather than our elder brother and teacher on a path that we are here to walk into the “annointed” state of spiritual realization that he himself described.
We’ve kept him on a pedestal… and us in a diminished state.
Now it’s time to change all that and reclaim the inherent beauty, power and love that is held in our Christ-infused minds, hearts and bodies.
Awakening the Mystic Christ Within will guide you in this reclamation, which takes you into realms of a direct relationship with the Divine. If you choose to join, you’ll discover an intimate connection with your Christ potential — and begin to manifest it — lovingly, beautifully and playfully.
You’ll find that a joyful lightness begins to perfume your days as you feel more radiantly happy, more present to love, and more awake to the deeper dimensions of life.
Rediscovering the Lightness of the
Christ Tradition
Traditionally Jesus’s crucifixion has been associated with darkness and death, which has led to glamorizing suffering, pain, and sacrifice. However, the truth is that most of those experiences actually lower our consciousness and disconnect us from our highest Self.
In contrast, modern-mystic Bill Bauman teaches that lightness is in fact the essence of Christ consciousness and that levity is key to awakening this presence within us.
Bill has been on a spiritual path for more than 50 years, evolving from a priest initiated into multiple traditions into a beloved seer, playful mystic and behind-the-scenes guide to many famous authors, teachers, and leaders.
He’s become known as “the teacher’s teacher” because he is often working with some of most advanced beings around.
And now, you have an opportunity for this remarkable teacher to initiate you into the depths and heights of your Christ Consciousness, not just as a brief glimpse but as a new, steady baseline for your life.
The Awakening the Mystic Christ Within is a 7-week program that serves as a spiritual initiation into a higher octave of conscious love. Among thousands of people who’ve worked with Bill, there are many reports of a kind of spontaneous arising of the reverential love presence that infuses his words and teachings.
Just as we may send a text message to another’s phone with no visible means of transmission, so Bill is sending out little energetic transmissions as he speaks, teaches and works individually with people.
More than teach you, Bill will transmit from his heart to yours the sacred fullness of the Christ presence that is within all of us.
He’ll show you that we all are here to serve the creation of heaven on earth — not as a religious exercise but as a living expression of light, love, laughter and authentic humanity.
During each module, Bill will share his teachings and transmission first and then open up the space for spiritual dialogue — which is where the real magic ignites. In working one-on-one with course participants, he helps create a sublime field of grace and blessing that permeates all of our subtle resistances, distortions and fears.
This program will not be an historical exploration of Jesus and his life, nor of the mystics and teachers who followed him.
What it WILL be is a deeply experiential journey into the heart of living AS the Christ now.
Truly. Fully. No holds barred.
A Powerful Initiation into a More Full-Spectrum Christhood
How often have you thought of the Christ within as playful? Mischievous? Even primal or instinctual?
Or have you, like most people, associated the Christ with only the man and the qualities of a serious, self-sacrificing, transcendent being?
According to Bill, these false attributes have prevented the Divine from emerging fully in our bodies, breath and words.
The ultimate Christ is full-spectrum. It encompasses ALL of reality in one pulsing, sacred presence. And so it welcomes us to embrace ALL of ourselves and life and surrender into a sacred dance of reverence, beauty and joy.
As we release false ideas and barriers, we open naturally to the effervescent grace of the Christ presence, which includes an overwhelming, unconditional love, a spirit of blessing and reverence, and the capacity for great wisdom.
We become servants of Spirit, infused with the power to light up a room with our presence and our love and see others in their highest expression.
This embodiment of the Divine is at the heart of the healing that is required in today’s world. Authentic Christ beings change reality from the inside out, and with an infectious joy engage in the great tasks of our day to evolve a new world based on love.
That is the journey of awakening to the Christ within you.
During this journey, you’ll dissolve layers of beliefs and conditioning that have prevented your access to the full You and the creative intelligence of the universe that lives in every cell of your body.
You’ll open new pathways for loving others and yourself. You’ll tunnel through old stories into the radiant joy in your core.
Why We Love Bill So Much
This journey into the heart of Christ depends on a wise and skilled guide, which you have in Bill Bauman, Far from being a Bible-quoting preacher, Bill is a seer of the heart, finding in Jesus a spiritual brother who is calling us into our true divinity AND our ultimate humanity. Bill intuitively sees and embraces the majesty in each one of us, calling it forward with love and praise and the occasional gentle challenge.
Bill is a spiritual teacher to many other spiritual teachers, often working behind the scenes with more “famous” authors helping them to awaken to the full wonder of their being. With a leprechaun-like playfulness, he illuminates life as a great unfolding dance.
What distinguishes this course from others that Bill has taught is that he will dedicate significant time in each class to interacting with you and the other participants — responding to your needs, healing your blocks, expanding your consciousness and awakening your Christ consciousness.
If you join, you’ll experience a luminous journey that opens your eyes, your heart and your soul to the incredible light and love that IS you…
From the Desk of Bill Bauman
Hi everyone!
Our beautifully dedicated people at The Shift Network asked me to share with you my unique passion about awakening the mystic Christ within each of us. My heart truly leapt at the invitation to have this brief moment with you, and I heard a giant “yes!” spring from my lips… so here I am!
Many years ago I experienced a dramatic personal awakening into the mystic Christ. In the midst of a great personal despair, the “Christ presence” took unexpected root in my heart and started to become my unwavering center. Over the years, this Christed nature has deepened and become “all of me,” allowing me to enjoy a profoundly intimate relationship with many of our historical “Christs” — Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Krishna and other “avatars” who have graced our human realm with purely divine love and blessings.
As I see and witness it, we are all Christs in the making — you, me and everyone who may feel called to participate in my course that starts soon: Awakening the Mystic Christ Within. You and I already carry the wonder and power of “the Christ” within our human makeup. And I feel personally called to serve your Christhood, and the Christ-hood that we all share, through this inspired course. That’s why I’m here — on earth in general and in this special moment with you.
Many, including myself, believe that it may now be time in our human evolution for the next Christ to take the form of a collective avatar — not just as one divinely sent person as in the past, but as many of us, all sharing and expressing the same mystical Christ nature in uniquely different ways. I am deeply confident that now is the time for that collective avatar to appear. Could you be a part of that divine expression, that joint avatar? Could your awakening into this mystic Christ state be part of your calling? I believe so.
I know that I am fully here to be a part of that collective Christ, and that it’s my role to inspire us to step ever more fully into our true Christ nature. Yes, now that we’ve passed into the long-awaited post-2012 era, this is our time to gather together, so that we can activate and embrace our mystic Christ-ness, then lead our world anew with our love-filled, light-empowered gifts.
I’ve felt an unusually powerful spiritual force inspiring me to offer anew this inspiring 7-week course, Awakening the Mystic Christ Within, to you. I believe that it can lovingly assist you in being more fully enveloped in divine love, in embracing your personal Christ nature and in filling you with the kind of blessings that happen powerfully “when two or more are gathered in my name!”
I ask you then to step tenderly into your all-knowing soul, then ask the question of whether this offering calls to you, listen quietly, and respond accordingly. If you do feel drawn to participate, please know that I, as a gentle and humble mirror of your Christ-filled self, will lead you with the deepest respect for who you are and will support you in ways that are truly loving and empowering.
I can’t help but feel that this is a rare and special moment in our human lives. I see it as the time we’ve been waiting for, a time that embodies the very purpose for which we became human beings — to bless and empower everyone we touch with the divine loving power of the Christ — the very Christ that is now ready to come to life, within us. Thank you so very much.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
You’ll emerge with:
- A more holistic vision of Christ energy and your relation to it.
- Greater competence in navigating crises and the “dark night” of the spiritual path.
- A deeper understanding of embodiment, giving you the capacity to increasingly live as love.
- An expanded capacity for utilizing the energy of play in service.
- A profound commitment to bring heaven down to earth.
Unlike other courses we’ve offered, this course with Bill will not follow a strict sequential flow, but will unfold organically — meaning that Bill will move on to the next module once he feels you’ve integrated what is needed. Therefore, module timelines are flexible, but all of the content listed below will be covered during the course.
Module 1: The Power of the Christ Within (Tuesday, September 8)
In this first week we begin the incredible journey of awakening our Christ nature. We embrace the joy, power and freedom that underlie our creative explorations and access new powers of self-healing and self-acceptance.
Then we open our hearts to these questions:
- Who and what is the Christ within? Is it you?
- What’s involved in becoming a Christed being?
- What qualities do you need to lead yourself into your Christed Self?
This module will also give you a tour of the glorious four dimensions (or worlds) that await your personal participation and mastery as you journey into the Christ within. — and be guided into the loving arms of your own ultimate Christ Self.
Module 2: Living with Reverence as Unconditional Love (Tuesday, September 15)
A hallmark of a Christ-like being is centering in the heart and seeing all of life as a divine expression. This leads us to live in a state of reverence and awe for all the beauty we’ve been given. As we connect with this quality of our Christ self, we connect with overflowing gratitude for life and a deep appreciation for the Mystery of existence.
With your own spirit leading you into the undiscovered fullness of your Christ nature, this week you’ll explore and learn to access:
- Mystery’s beautiful realm — that space “out there” and within you where nonlinear magic happens
- The vast, unending light field of creation, where “waves” mysteriously turn into particles of aliveness and blessings emanate everywhere
- Creation’s center, both in the multi-verse and within your soul, wherein you become being itself: the infinite essence and sacred silence that resides at your core and is centered in your heart
- The divinity of every molecule and element of creation, especially of yourself.
- The unity of all creation and your amazing interconnectedness with everything, everywhere
- The opening of your heart wisdom so that you can see with the eyes of divinity
Module 3: Becoming a Blessing Presence and Expression of Grace
(Tuesday, September 22)
According to the findings of science, you have enough energy in your body to melt all the oceans of the earth. You’re endlessly rich in energy. Yet few of us know how to merge with those energies or express them with such abundance. That is part of what it means to become a blessing presence and expression of grace — you connect with the fullness that is at your core and pour it forth on everyone around you like a fountain. In this module, you’ll uncover your own your blessing nature and explore its amazing magic to create grace in your life.
Specifically, you will:
- Claim the full aliveness of your body, chakras and auric field and learn to pour it abundantly on life
- Learn the unique language of energy as you listen with new ears to your “feelings”
- Completely surrender to the life-force of love, as it invites you into its energetic embrace and transforms you into a love-centered being
- Enjoy every breath of chi-filled air, feel the heartbeat of the planet in your own heart and celebrate the aliveness of life everywhere
- Learn to powerfully embrace the powerful feelings where you experience everything: the ups and downs, joys and sorrows, ecstasies and pains — without complaint. Through it all, you will become the liberating power of those feelings
Module 4: Integrating the Primal Dimension with the Christ Within
(Tuesday, September 29)
Your primal nature is the least explored and understood aspect of being human. Yet, it’s a powerful source of power and fullness; indeed, it’s a true pathway to your Divinity.
Hidden within the vast and endless depths of your primal nature, within the lower chakras, are beautifully alive treasures waiting to be discovered and integrated.
During this module you’ll discover:
- Universal absolute power in the form of your earthy, elemental, primal energies.
- Creative juice and the generative power that is your unique expression and purpose
- A mostly undiscovered doorway to the Absolute, a doorway where humanness meets divinity, where three-dimensionality meets multiple-dimensionality
- Loving gifts of the four elements: earth’s grounding, air’s vitality, fire’s aliveness and water’s flow — to experience balance, renewal and invigoration
- The possibilities of mastery — yes, mastery, in which you merge with the light within your primal core — it’s completely possible, and we’ll do it
Module 5: Accessing Your Christ Mind (Thursday, October 15)
This week, Bill will offer his visionary insights into how to open the deeper doorways of your conscious awareness into the Christ Mind which will allow you to see with the eyes of divinity. As you explore the wondrous dimensions of this awareness, you will be filled with its precious gifts.
During this session you’ll:
- Develop the capacity for working with and directing the spiritual power of your Christ Mind
- Learn how to use the light waves of your mystical nature (think Luke Skywalker here) as you discover how to merge with your mystical consciousness and move it into your humanness
- Bridge the higher Christ mind with your sub-conscious awareness, which allows you to play in its maya with inventive imagination and play — here is where we have fun!
- Discover the unexplored power of your conscious awareness: over and above what you already know about our conscious mind’s logic, you’ll discover untold creativity, imagination and capacity for creating your life
Module 6: Daring to Claim Your Christhood (Thursday, October 22)
Since this course is so experiential and personal, this module’s focus is on the full acceptance and embrace of your Christ nature. In putting it all together, we’ll deeply explore the how-to of you becoming your Christed self, receiving nitty-gritty guidance for living your ultimate freedom.
You’ll learn practical exercises and applications to support you in embracing the sacred fullness of life, embodying the power of your Christhood, accepting the gifts of your primal depths and experiencing the wonders of your total energy.
More specifically, you will:
- Discover deeper ways to allow the infinite love of creation to fill you with the light of your Christ nature
- Become much more fully identified with your non-ordinary realms of consciousness: the subconscious and unconscious worlds of undiscovered blessings
- Bring every energy — from life’s bigger realms to your own energy field’s richness, into your being-thereby experiencing creation’s innate vitality and beauty
- Experience the power within your primal and generative power, as you witness the lifestream of creation building you anew like never before
Module 7: Creating Heaven on Earth
(Tuesday, October 27)
This week’s time together may be the best yet. Here is where you finally face, and deal in-depth with, those traditionally problematic themes that keep many of us stuck in the historical human mud. These are the gateways for us to literally begin to create heaven on earth.
In this module, you’ll compassionately explore:
- Human pain and suffering — Experience pain and suffering in a fresh way and learn to befriend them to create yourself anew every day.
- Good and evil, light and dark — The story-filled phenomenon that few of us know how to wrap our heads around. We’ll demythologize this story that has been a part of our unconscious beliefs since Adam and Eve, and then reinvent it into a story of creation and possibility.
- Duality and individuality — Most of us try to move beyond these concepts in order to enter a world of oneness and ground ourselves in a state of pure being. You’ll look at a new paradigm: one that brings a unified field and state of pure being into your humanness, to merge with your individuality.
These principles are at the foundation of how we learn to build heaven on earth by SEEING them as already alive in all of life. When you see through duality with a God’s-eye view, you begin to feel the great blessing that is available right here, right now.
The Awakening the Mystic Christ Within
Bonus Collection
In addition to Bill Bauman’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll also receive these powerful training sessions with the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions will complement the course, deepening your understanding and practices.
Your Inner Christ:
What it Means for You and Your Life!
Audio Dialogue with Bill and Andrew Harvey
In this illuminating dialogue, Bill is joined by renowned mystic and scholar Andrew Harvey as they dive into the heart of what it means to be a mystic Christ. Learn how to activate your Christ nature internally in your heart and externally in your outer life. Join this intimate conversation, and hear these two singular teachers share their realizations and wisdom.
Andrew Harvey is an author, speaker and founder/director of the Institute of Sacred Activism, an international organization focused on inviting concerned people to take up the challenge of our contemporary global crises by becoming inspired, effective and practical agents of institutional and systemic change, in order to create peace and sustainability. He has written and edited over 30 books and received many awards, including the Benjamin Franklin Award and the Mind Body Spirit Award.
Soul Talk
26-minute Video
This inspiring presentation draws you into the remarkable inner resource called your soul. Bill invites you to connect intimately with your soul, experience its unique language, and listen to its special invitations. He shows you how to experience your soul’s truth, feel its loving embrace, and be filled with its guiding power. He concludes with a meditative interaction with your soul.
The Soul in Love
Book of Poetry from Bill Bauman
In Bill’s heart-stirring book of poetry you will be moved by nineteen uplifting poems. Their simple elegance will thrill your heart, expand your mind and inspire your spirit. Their touching message of love can lift you to the heights of awe and transform your relationship to your life.
What Graduates of Bill’s Course are Saying…
This course has helped me to not only accept myself as a Christ but also to begin to look for the Christ in all others. It has allowed me to be myself in a whole new way. Bill put forward the ideas and teachings in a lighthearted yet deep and profound manner. It was magic!
– Maria, Trinidad and Tobago
Bill led me back to a knowing of my true presence and the consciousness of grace. And that it was right, natural and safe to embrace this gift of myself. He taught me through his energy, his love and talks about this sacred place, an inner friend I can always be with that loves me unconditionally, a power, a guidance, a strength, a stability within that is for me, the big me I can safely embrace. To openly, consciously, powerfully connect to and be loyal to who I deeply am is a dream come true. A thank you from the heart to Bill.
– Pauline Evelyn Tsukamoto, Isumi City, Chiba-ken, Japan
It was such an immersion in Divinity that integrated w/ the Earth in us.. Every aspect we can relax and embrace… this is such freedom.
– Nora Yudin, Santa Fe, NM
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions with Bill Bauman
Experience a rare opportunity to learn from one of the world’s leading spiritual teachers from the comfort of your own home. Each class session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.
Seven Audio Recordings of
Class Sessions
After each class, the audio will be available for you to download in high quality MP3 format. This way, you’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere — on your iPod, in your car and at your convenience.
Seven PDF Transcripts of
Class Sessions
In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.
Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
After each lesson, you will then have the option to do related exercises, practice new tools and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.
Awakening the Mystic Christ Within
Bonus Collection
- Your Inner Christ: What it Means for You and Your Life!
Audio Dialogue with Bill and Andrew Harvey - Soul Talk
26-minute Video - The Soul in Love
Book of Poetry from Bill Bauman
An Unprecedented Opportunity to
Embody Christ Consciousness
We at The Shift Network feel deeply honored that Bill Bauman has chosen to partner with us on this exclusive online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a modern mystic and renowned teacher who draws upon age-old wisdom and connect with a global community of like minds and hearts who are doing this important and transformative work.
Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals, which would cost thousands of dollars). But you’ll be able to benefit from Bill’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — at your own pace!
If you are serious about deepening your spiritual life and embodiment of Christ Consciousness, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training with Bill.
What Luminaries Are Saying About
Bill Bauman…
Bill Bauman is the most profound and wise healer, counselor and teacher that I have ever known. Bill has the ability to find out your soul’s deepest calling, to help you get in touch with that calling, to open up your heart, and to inspire you… Bill speaks with profound authority, truth, light and love. There is nobody that I know that I would rather work with than Bill Bauman.
– Marci Shimoff, Author, Happy for No Reason andLove for No Reason
If you’d like to have an experience in your life that would take you to the spiritual heights, to the emotional depths and to the relational expressions that you want to have with people-and you want to do it with a real master, someone who is very subtle but very powerful-then I want to recommend to you the work of Bill Bauman. He is an incredible being who has touched me in my heart.
– Jack Canfield, Co-creator, Chicken Soup for the Soul series
Bill Bauman’s seminars are the most transformative seminars that I have ever taken. From the moment you walk into the room and sit down, Bill’s energy starts entering your whole physiology. And by the time you leave, you are completely transformed into an individual who is thinking clearly, feeling extremely open, with a heart filled full of love, wanting to do nothing but be of service to the rest of humanity — because you have just been served so totally from Bill.
– Janet Bray Attwood, Co-author, The Passion Test
About Bill Bauman, Ph.D.
Bill Bauman has been described as an unique and inspiring human presence, a selfless and humble being. As you experience Bill, however, you find that he possesses a compelling giftedness, a beyond-words quality that has deeply touched and transformed the lives of countless people.
Bill’s loving heart is at the forefront of his every interaction. His expansive vision moves people to hear their own truth most compellingly. His transformational gifts are deeply healing and magically empowering. His charismatic touch awakens people to claim their fullest freedom. And his own personal ultimacy is an inspiration for and mirror of the “ultimate human” that we all can become.
Bill was a Catholic priest in the 1960s, a practicing psychologist from the ‘70s to the ‘90s, a business consultant and leader for two decades, a noted leader in the global peace movement in the ‘90s and a spiritual leader from the ‘80s to today. Currently, Bill has combined these many systems into a dynamic and life-changing approach that he now calls “the ultimate human,” “the ultimate healer” and “the ultimate leader.” In this approach, he is a noted trainer, heartful speaker, loving motivator and visionary of life’s possibilities.
With a doctorate in Counseling Psychology, a Master’s degree in Theology, and a Bachelor’s in Philosophy, Bill embraces life from a broad perspective and expansive vision. Thousands of people have attended Bill’s seminars on personal empowerment, dynamic leadership, love and relationships, personal and spiritual growth, and empowered healing-which he has led nationally and internationally over the past 30 years. He has given hundreds of growth-oriented seminars, trainings and presentations to groups of every size.
A proven entrepreneur, Bill started and led four profitable private businesses, as well as his own successful private practice as a psychologist. With his adored wife Donna, he founded and led two non-profit organizations-Washington, DC’s World Peace Institute (through the 1990’s) and The Center for Soulful Living (through the 2000’s).
He has recently authored three groundbreaking books: Oz Power: How to click your heels and take total charge of your life (2005); Soul Vision: A modern mystic looks at life through the eyes of the soul (2009); and The Soul in Love: Heartful and Inspirational Poetry (2010). He is currently writing a book on (you guessed it!) the Ultimate Human.
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- Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
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We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.
- Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
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