Ash Ambirge – The Magic Message Bootcamp




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Ash Ambirge – The Magic Message Bootcamp

(Finally!) nail your message, package your work into a big idea, and craft the perfect words to differentiate yourself like a QUEEN (even if you’re in a similar field as everyone else and have no idea how to stand out & sound fresh)

Does Your Message Sound Like a Mouthful of Jargony, Rambly Goop? (And You’re Like, Haha, Joke’s On You, I Don’t Even HAVE a Message, Champ.)
Trying to figure out how to package your work into one BIG IDEA can feel like mission impossible—especially if you’re just starting out and trying to get a grasp on what the heck you want to be known for. (And how on earth to describe it in a way that’s fresh, interesting, and succinct.)

Do any of the following sound like your current nightmare? 😅

1. That whole 15-second pitch thing? Sounds more like a 10-minute ramble of doom. 
You have a general idea of what you want to say, but you’re still missing clarity and it’s painfully noticeable every time you try to describe who you are and what you do. There must be a more elegant & powerful way to put this?! (PLEASE, LORD DICTIONARY.)

2. You tried writing the copy for your website, but HAHAHAH, (a) Torture, and (b) It all kinda sounds like a bigggg, meandering, long-winded digression. 
“Welcome to my website, hardy har har har har!”—anndddd then you face palm. You’re lacking direction & succinctness, which totally happens to EVERYONE at this stage. When you don’t have a clear message, you end up wandering all around the page and your ideas get lost. (And so do your darling readers.)

3. You don’t want to sound like everyone else, but you also just don’t know what else to say to sound fresh, compelling & interesting. 
You’re supposed to “differentiate yourself,” but how? Everything has been taken, or at least it feels that way. You worry you aren’t original enough to get noticed. But, you also don’t know how to solve that problem.

4. You’re totally overwhelmed by perfection paralysis. 
Not being able to nail this is seriously getting in the way of your progress. You can’t move forward until you nail your messaging, but right now it feels like you might be waiting another 100 years before you finally figure out the perfect way to “word it.”

5. You’d rather eat giant, hairy cockroaches than read your own bio aloud. 
Yup. Say no more. Writing about yourself only serves to highlight your own uncertainty about what in the living hell you are doing or why anyone should care. 🥴

Oh, and let’s not forget lucky number 6: Not being able to nail your messaging is delivering a serious blow to your confidence. Imposter syndrome is kicking in harder than ever, telling you that your business idea isn’t going to work out. But, that’s just because you haven’t figured out how to talk about that idea yet. But, once you do? All that confidence runs right back into your veins. Turns out, how you describe your work not only affects how valuable others perceive it as, but how valuable you perceive it as. Not being able to talk about your idea = massive source of imposter syndrome.

A Cohesive, Brilliant Message Will Rev Your Confidence, Crank Sales Up to 90mph & Make Customers Line Up Around the Block—But Without That Message, the Same Person Doing the Same Work, With the Same Level of Talent, Will S-t-r-u-g-g-l-e 😾

Isn’t that the ugly, sebum-filled truth? (Ugh, sebum.)

A memorable, sticky message is often the missing piece of the puzzle: it doesn’t matter what you do, the way you package what you do is a game-changer. There might be one-hundred other people in your sphere who do the same exact thing as you, but you know who’s going to attract all the followers, fans & clients?

The person with the message that excites the most. 

When you have an exciting, buzz-worthy message, it produces an instant chain reaction: way more Instagram followers, way more clicks, way more subscribers, way more interest in your work, way more clients, way more fanfare, way more word-of-mouth, way more reputation, and, of course, way more money.

Your messaging does the heavy lifting for you. 🏋️‍♀️

And you know what else happens when you have an exciting message that’s memorable & sticky & soundbite-able?

  • On average, customers spend twice as much every year 2️⃣.
  • They recommend your stuff 1.5 times more! ✨
  • They’re wayyyy less price sensitive: they’re 2.3X more likely to pay premium rates—and not balk at the cost (a game-changer if you’ve struggled with push back for even basic invoices)
  • Your brand gets shared all over the internet without you even having to do anything 🔥
  • You get invited to speak, contribute, be on podcasts, dance with the wolves (that’s code for “attend fancy retreats in Norway”)
  • Your reach explodes with far less effort—and zero ad spend, if you’re really hardcore
  • And, your average annual revenue goes through the ROOF *makes sign with fingers*

*From a study from The Harvard Business Review titled The New Science of Customer Emotions.

Great! Yes! Count Me In! I Need to Package My Work Into a Juicy, Meaty, Message Steak! (Once I Figure Out What That Is, Ahem.)

Chances are, you may have struggled with your message meat* in the past because:

  • You’ve lacked clarity around your offer—and therefore are having big-time trouble describing it 🤔
  • You don’t have a ton of experience yet, so you’re not entirely sure what your message IS (“ummmm, hire me???????”)
  • You aren’t necessarily that much “different” from other people in your field, so how are you supposed to be unique? (This leads to you picking a frivolous niche, like “copywriting for birdhouse makers and other aviary enthusiasts,” as a way to solve that problem—but then you’ve pigeonholed yourself, and you use bad bird puns to top it off)
  • You don’t really address why someone should come to YOU, specifically, out of all the other options in the world (mostly because you aren’t really sure)
  • You’re trying to compete on “better” instead of giving yourself your own category with no competitors (this is a common problem with an easy solution, once you know how this works)
  • Your message fails the “see, touch, poke” test—essential for crafting a message that emotionally resonates with an audience
  • You focus too much on what makes you awesome, rather than your results, so you end up sounding like a desperate teenager trying to be liked
  • You don’t have any results yet (though you do have heaps of imposter syndrome, thanks)
  • You have no idea what your brand positioning should be
  • You have no idea what your value proposition is
  • You didn’t know you needed to determine those things, first 😅
  • You’ve taken a million and three stabs already but now you just feel like you’re going in circles and you’ve lost all perspective and what was your name again??? The Real Slim Shady is collapsed in front of the computer.

*Meanwhile, the other Slim Shady just said “message meat” on a sales page.

When You’ve Got a Sticky Message, You’ve Got 1,000x More Internet Horsepower

A sticky message does the selling for you online.

It’s clients automatically wanting to work with you without even speaking to you first. It’s premium rates customers are excited to pay. It’s a wait list that goes on for a year. It’s no push back, no questions, just show me where to sign. It’s magazine editors wanting to feature your work. It’s literary agents calling you on the phone. It’s getting invited to speak on stages, at companies, on retreats.

It’s the difference between being viewed as a dime-a-dozen freelancer, versus a thought leader in your field.

It’s the difference between being known for what you do, and being invisible.

It’s the difference between small success and BIG success.

And it’s the difference between getting online and getting BANK.


(Finally!) Nail Your Message & Get Excited About Your Idea Again

“This was my one best purchase this year. I’ve had a website for over a year, but this showed me what I needed to focus on, and how to really write client-facing copy (instead of just thinking I was). And the best part is that it was a system, and fit into a larger ecosystem of how to get those clients to stick around. It’s been great working with you, Ash! ” —Interpreter & Communications Consultant Julia Poger
At last: a formula designed specifically to help you nail your message and package your work into a big idea that lands. (And that you’re excited about, too!)

The Magic Message Bootcamp is a message-finding framework that will help you distill your big idea and package it into a brilliant message that the world will clamor for—and that will change the way you do business forever.

Whether you’re a freelancer, a small business owner, or a Fortune 500 company, The Magic Message Formula walks you through a proprietary 18-part, step-by-step process to help you get clarity on your brand positioning, determine your value proposition, use both to strategically flesh out your signature message, and then put that message into yummy, sticky, marketable words that’ll sell your stuff like gangbusters. (And there are practical examples for all three!)

If you’re struggling with what makes you unique and how you can differentiate yourself beautifully in the marketplace, this is what you’ve been missing.

“This was my one best purchase this year. I’ve had a website for over a year, but this showed me what I needed to focus on, and how to really write client-facing copy (instead of just thinking I was). And the best part is that it was a system, and fit into a larger ecosystem of how to get those clients to stick around. It’s been great working with you, Ash! ” —Interpreter & Communications Consultant Julia Poger

After Putting Your Message Through The Magic Message Formula, You Will Have:

  • Your message (finally!) nailed 🔨 and your work packaged into a big idea that instantly gets customers excited
  • A brilliant new way of defining your work & instantly communicating your value—without stammering, shuffling, or second-guessing yourself silly ✨
  • A refreshing new perspective on your own value that’ll breathe new-life into your mission & completely re-energize your business
  • Killer brand positioning that strategically differentiates you in the marketplace
    All-new copy for your home page! (Yup, I’ll walk you through using your message to write out your super duper critical homepage copy.)
  • BONUS: You’ll also get formulas for writing your opt-in, your sales pages, your product descriptions, and your contact page, too! It’s like getting two programs in one! 🎉
  • BONUS: You’ll get the formula for writing a killllller professional bio—long, short & micro—that you’re finally proud of (and don’t cringe at!). Super awesome for use on your site, your Linked In, on your socials, at the bottom of your blog posts, or anytime anyone asks you to “send over your bio” and you basically want to die
  • A snappy & succinct elevator pitch that you can use anytime anyone asks the dreaded question, “So what do you do?” (Very handy while out at networking dinners or sitting at a cocktail bar chatting up a stranger)
  • Complete, unshakeable clarity about who you are and what makes you awesome so you can go forward with confidence & killer instinct
  • And a pleasurable time reimagining your value and working through all of this from a position of a real and effective messaging strategy—no spaghetti on the walls here! 🍝

Here’s The Breakdown of
The Magic Message Formula!

The Magic Message Formula is our proprietary step-by-step messaging framework, including lots of over-the-shoulder examples, and plenty of horse laughs.

1. The Brand Promise Potion

“What makes me special?” “There are a million other people doing the same thing.” “I’m not an expert in anything and don’t have a big name—I’m not sure how to make people pay attention?” Well, friend, first thing’s first: we’re gonna banish THAT from your brain and go in to find your REAL superpower & point of differentiation, you so go from feeling like you’re “just another ___________” to “hottest smoke show on the block.” (And you know it.) Inside, we’ll work through seven (7) different writing exercises together that’ll help us nail your biggggg brand promise. You’re sure to have a ton of lightbulb moments about what you want to be known for, right out of the gate!

2. The Magic Message Wonderland

Find your signature message and own it, baby! Next, we’re going to take your big brand promise(s) and use them to strategically develop your brand positioning in the marketplace—one of THE most important pieces of the messaging puzzle (that most people don’t know they need!). This is all about packaging your work. The same business can be packaged in a variety of different ways, so the question becomes: how do we want to package yours, and why? Hint: you want your customers to say, “This is the kind of business for ME.” And we want to deliver on your big brand promise!

3. The Emotional Value Prop Hot House 

Once we’ve found your magic message & personal wow factor, we’re going to get our pencil lead dir-tayyy to articulate that wow-factor on the page. We want it turn your signature message into yummy, sticky, memorable words that feel original, new, and ultra-appealing: so that’s exactly what we’re going to do! No cliché muck you’ve seen coming and going—like “I help women step into their power.” Ohhhh, no. We aren’t going there. We’re going to do the exact opposite: take your message & pump it full of appeal. This is the fun part: finding a fresh new way to way to position yourself & your ideas so you don’t sound like a dime-a-dozen, so people instantly clamour for it, and so people totally want what you’re selling. (Especially when you spell “clamour” like you’re British.)

4. The Home Page Slay Lab

And finally, we’re going to take your magic message and spread it on thiccccck! This is like getting two programs in one, because we don’t just find your message: we learn how to take that message and incorporate it across your website in the critical places that matter the most: your homepage! Here, you’ll learn the formula for using your message to write a grippy headline and subheadline that instantly explains your work in a way that feels magical, and then four different types of crossheads you can use down the page to get people HOOKED.

“Hands down the best business class I have ever taken.” —Scrubz Skincare CEO Roberta Perry

Plus, Get Access to These Incredible Bonus Frameworks That Will Help You Write The Copy for Your * Entire * Website! 🪄 (With a Signature Creative Flair, Of Course.)

Bonus #1: The Opt-In Slay Lab
Use your shiny new message to write a killer email opt-in that’ll have new subscribers linin’ up around the block…even if you don’t have a “lead magnet.” (This is especially useful if you haven’t known what to send, or haven’t been sure what your newsletter is. We’ll talk through it!)

Bonus #2: The Sales Page Slay Lab
Learn how to write a smokin’ hot, conversion-happy sales page from scratch for selling courses, programs, coaching and high-end services—and weave your core message throughout your offers so everything you do doubles down on your positioning, makes you the most memorable person in your industry, and naturally converts more customers in a way that feels exciting.

Bonus #3: The Product Description Slay Lab
Inside this super fun module, I’ll show you how to write emotionally-driven product descriptions that are essential for selling low-commitment items such as art, jewelry, products, books, Etsy shops, Instagram stores, and any products that don’t need a long-form sales page…but need to convince & convert in just a paragraph.

Bonus #4: The Client Inquiries Slay Lab
Did you know that what you say on your contact page affects how many clients will actually take that next step and reach out? Unfortunately, most people just do an expected ol’ contact form, but here’s a trick to convince clients that reaching out is a GREAT idea. (As opposed to hearing crickets!)

Bonus #5: The Bio Writing Slay Lab
And finally—turn up the glow to make that dough! In The Bio Writing Slay Lab, we’ll take your message and use it to write a killer professional bio that’ll make you BEAM. We do this last because it’s one of the hardest things to write, but also one of the most rewarding. Now that you can see yourself and your work from an all-new perspective—and now that you’ve written the copy to demonstrate that perspective—it’s time to apply the brand-new messaging to YOU. Who are you? What do you do? What makes you great? We’ll cover how to write an incredible professional bio that you can use across a variety of mediums: on your Linked In page, on your socials, at the bottom of your blog posts, and anytime anyone asks you to “send over your bio,” which makes you want to die. Not anymore, Satan! We’re going to make you look like the hottest thing that ever walked this internet. 🔥 This, together with all of your brand-new messaging and copy, is going to help you re-introduce yourself to the world in a way that makes ‘em sit up and STARE. All you’ve got to do now is practice your walk. 😉

Get a Fresh New Message That’ll Breathe New Life Into Your Ambitions—And a Flood of Cash Into Your Bank Account

Here’s How It Works!

The Magic Message Bootcamp is an 18-step formula you can apply to your ideas to distill your BIG MESSAGE.

The formula is laid out in a series of eighteen different video steps and hands-on writing formulas, designed to be done in order and build off the last.

By the end, you’ll not only be able to explain who you are and what you do in a way that feels fascinating, but you’ll be able to communicate that on your homepage—and your entire website.

This is not a course, but a framework you can use to apply to your copy over and over again.

Get a fresh new message that’ll breathe all-new life into your business this year using The Magic Message Formula. (Oh boy, does this sound like “Magic Mike?” Should we have named it The Magic Mike Formula??? Seriously rethinking some things.)

Get a Fresh 
New Message & Fall in Love With Your Idea Again

Words really are magic. The right ones give you confidence, chutzpah & courage. The right ones make you feel excited, buzzy, invincible. The right ones convince you that this really IS a good idea—and the right ones convince other people of that, too. The right message, written in the right way, is the difference between a $10,000/year side hustle, and a $300,000+ year career. If you wish you had a magic wand that would turn you from no-name into household name, this is that magic wand. 🪄

About the Instructor, Ash Ambirge

Ash Ambirge is the founder of Meat & Hair, an expert ghostwriter with clients like Penguin Random House, and the instructor of The Magic Message Bootcamp 🌟

Seth Godin called her “an original voice in a world with too little of it,” and she’s known widely as one of the most irreverent writers in the online space. Ash’s hallmark book, THE MIDDLE FINGER PROJECT, is available at bookstores worldwide, including Barnes & Noble, Target, Waterstone’s and everywhere books are sold, and her work has been featured in The New Yorker, The New York Times, The BBC, CBS Radio, The Jenny McCarthy Show, Entrepreneur Magazine, Real Simple Magazine, Philadelphia Magazine, and on hundreds of podcasts.

Ash is an expert creative writer, and is regularly called upon by Top 5 Publishers as a secret weapon “book doctor” to help flailing manuscripts that need a consistent message & punchy prose. She founded The Meat & Hair Creative Writing Company to help businesses & content creators find their voice, put their personality on the page, and learn to write with substance & style—AKA meat & hair. 🍖💈 Because boring writing doesn’t sell, and in today’s world? You can’t afford to be invisible.

With a master’s degree in Linguistics, a degree in Communications & PR, and over a decade of experience writing for clients who want to stand out from the crowd, Ash believes that what you say about your work is just as important as your actual work—because perception is everything. Not just your customers’, but your own. And when you have the right words to describe your idea?

You have power.

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