Bernadette Logue – Live With Inner Peace




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Bernadette Logue – Live With Inner Peace

  • Battling your own negative thoughts and feelings?
  • Being triggered into negative reaction because of other people or situations?
  • Unsure how to be calm in the face of your circumstances?
  • Tired of every day challenges draining your energy and stealing your peace?
  • Resisting life, unable to accept the things you can’t control?
  • Trying to control those things anyway?!
  • Lost in the details and demands of daily life?
  • Feeling disconnected from your intuition?
  • Feeling separate, unsupported, like you’re missing something, like you don’t belong, or having existential questions/angst?
  • Experiencing fear, anxiety, stress, worry or doubt?
  • Burdened by the past and unable to let it go?
  • Wanting greater self-confidence, self-acceptance and self-love?
  • Ready to step into a much brighter, peaceful and empowered future?

You’re Not Alone in Feeling This Way

Most of us know what it’s like to experience a moment of inner peace.

Those moments sometimes arise because we’ve had a moment of “awe and wonder”. Like seeing a sunrise, looking into a baby’s face, or experiencing deep gratitude for something that’s happened.

We also experience moments of inner peace when the conditions of our lives (e.g relationships, finances, career, health) are going our way, and we feel in control.

But few people experience sustainable inner peace.

  • We all know we can’t control everything in life. Life is like a roller coaster at times, and the ups and downs in outer circumstances send most people into a yo-yo cycle of up and down emotions to match.
  • It’s truly exhausting. I know that you know what I mean! We’ve all experienced it at some point.
  • The reason most people don’t have sustainable inner peace is because they don’t realize they can. They just accept that peace is only possible in some situations, and not others. So their peace is a conditional experience, which is outside of their control. Leaving them at the whim of life and whatever reactive emotions arise as a result.
  • And here’s the kicker… even if they knew inner peace was possible in ALL situations, and they really wanted it, their mind simply doesn’t support it because they’re clouded with pain-provoking perspectives that keep them stuck.

It’s amazing what happens when you’re given the perspective shifts and practical tools that you need in order to make inner peace real in your daily life…

Have Calm, Presence & Composure Whenever You Need it

  • You truly can experience inner peace no matter what your circumstances.
  • Be in control of how you feel in situations that most people react negatively to.
  • Carry a calm center within yourself that nothing can ever take away from you.
  • Positively impact all areas of your life because of your peaceful energy (such as your health and wellbeing, your relationships and your career/business).
  • Create solutions and achieve goals with more power because of the perspectives you live from and the clarity you have.
  • Walk through life with a confidence, personal power and faith that others will see shining out of you!
  • View both the small situations of every day life, and the bigger picture of your life journey, from powerful spiritual and conscious living higher perspectives.
  • Bring inner peace to the forefront of your life in practical ways.

Let us show you how…

Live With Inner Peace Online Course
With Bernadette Logue – Transformation Life Coach

Here’s What You Get When You Enroll in Live With Inner Peace

  • A 7-section online course with 12 hours of video coaching showing you how to live with inner peace.
  • Guidance through the course for:
  • (A) changing your perspectives – drawing upon wisdom about how you function as a human being and your consciousness, as well as incorporating spiritual perspectives so you can view yourself, life and other people from higher truth, and
  • (B) changing your approach and interaction with challenging situations and people so you can create peace and powerful results in the moment through new choices, behavior and actions.
  • The entire course in downloadable mp3 audio format as well, for listening offline.
  • An epic practical “how to” section, with 15 modules addressing common challenges we face in life that disrupt our peace, along with an 18-page PDF guide supporting you to apply the peace invoking perspectives and practices in your daily life.
  • 3 calming rituals and 5 awareness enhancing practices you can draw upon to support your zen zone!
  • A stocktake exercise to assess key areas of your life, identifying anywhere you may need to make positive adjustments to support your peace, plus an accompanying PDF exercise sheet.
  • 6 mantra/affirmation audios exclusive to the course that reinforce key messages from practical modules in the course, further ingraining important mindset shifts.
  • 5 meditation/visualization audios to help you let go, feel relief and melt into peace, guiding you to a peaceful mindset, and supporting relaxation.
  • Instant access & life time access to the entire course as soon as you register.
  • Complete flexibility to enjoy the course at your own pace and to revisit it any time you wish.

For Those Who Want To Let Go of Resistance

Live With Inner Peace will show you the real cause of any “unpeace” in your life, and will give you the knowledge, skills and tools to have inner peace when you need it the most (in normal everyday life, yes, but also in those tougher situations when it most counts!).

It will show you how to be in this world, with all the ups and downs of life, and all the change, uncertainty and challenges, while holding a calm, stable, empowered inner state.

You’ll discover that you can have inner peace irrespective of your circumstances, that you can create it within yourself when it most counts, and you can do so on-demand.

You will see how to hold perspectives that work for you, how to manage the interpretations you give to everything going on around you, and how to interact with your own self (your thoughts and feelings) and interact with other people and life in ways that feel peaceful, graceful and flowing.

And you’ll see how wisdom about consciousness and spiritual higher perspectives create peace when you need it the most, where your mind would create only pain. These higher perspectives are about who you are, your connection to/relationship with the Universe and with other people. And you’ll see how powerful this is when “logical answers” are missing and are nowhere to be found!

You’ll Discover How Your Inner Peace Can Create Awesome Outer Results

And, because your inner state is what inclines your choices, behavior and actions, when you live with inner peace you will see that you directly generate different results in your life, as you choose, behave and act in new ways that positively impact situations, relationships, challenges and goals.

Plus, aside from how YOU directly influence positive changes in your life through new empowered choices, behavior and actions, guess what else happens when you hold a more stable peaceful state of ease, grace, detachment and flow?

Your energy vibration changes!

Instead of you holding consistently low vibration energy, or having an erratic energy vibration (up and down emotionally as you react to the highs and lows of life), you start to emit a more consistent positive energy.

And because you’re living in an entirely energetic Universe, and the Universe is always listening and responding to your energy, you start to attract different things, people, and situations. You become magnetic. The vibration of peaceful energy is POWERFUL and you might be surprised by how life responds to your positive inner changes!

The 7-Sections: Here’s What to Expect… 

Section 1
Introduction – Get Clarity & Motivation (9 videos)

The first section of the course is filled with really simple and powerful insights that are important to “set the scene” before we dive into HOW to live with inner peace. You will find out exactly why inner peace is missing in your life, or in certain areas of your life. Understanding these insights gives you clarity and a point of power for creating change. Plus you will discover how powerful inner peace is going to be for you in the different areas of your life.

Section 2
Understanding Inner Peace – FAQ (6 videos)

This section addresses common experiences, questions and misperceptions people sometimes have about inner peace, so we can clear these away early on, before we get into the nitty gritty of the core training (in Sections 3-4). We look at what inner peace actually is, how it fits in a busy, vibrant life and in a noisy world, and we address any initial concerns you might have about your ability to find inner peace and hold onto it.

Section 3
Theory – The Good Stuff! (44 videos)

Section 3 will feed you with the understanding you need as a foundation in order to have inner peace. We look at new perspectives about yourself, other people, life and this world, breaking down any illusions and creating solid understanding of how you function and the way in which inner peace arises within you.

I call this section “the good stuff” (way more fun than just calling it theory!) because it’s where you’re going to SEE yourself differently and come to understand who you really are, how you function and how to take power back over your mind, your feelings, your past, your circumstances, and instead come to see life from a higher and more powerful perspective. You will formulate a new view, based on conscious living, knowing the soul you are and your connection to this Universe.

Section 4
Practical – Getting Your Zen On! (16 Videos)

Now you get to practice living with inner peace, this is where the “rubber meets the road”. This is your how-to section, on what to do in your daily life in order to truly, actually, practically LIVE with inner peace. How to be more zen, how to be the person you really want to be, and know you can be!

In this section you’ll discover how to bring inner peace to yourself and to life in the face of 15 common every day challenges – integrating new ways of perceiving, interpreting, responding and behaving into your daily life. You receive an 18-page PDF Guide covering all 15 practices, for easy reference. (See below for a full list of what the 15 challenges specifically are that we address in this course).

Section 5
Awareness Enhancers – Lift Your Level of Conscious Awareness (1 video)

In this section you receive 5 simple ways to exercise/build your awareness in daily life, further enhancing your inherent ability to be aware. Awareness is your gateway to inner peace, so these practices further support you to be a person of peace, calm and personal power

Section 6
Calming Rituals – For When You’re Feeling Wound Up! (1 video)

Sometimes in life we get ourselves so “wound up”, with feeling triggered and emotional, that it can be difficult to apply what we know. So, if at any moment you find yourself in that space and struggling to practice the Live with Inner Peace teachings (for whatever reason), I’ve got your back! In this section you receive 3 rituals you can easily use any time to create more calm for yourself, so that you’re then able to get back in control of yourself and your situation, to apply the peaceful living practices.

Section 7
Outer Reviews – Spring-Clean Your Life (5 Videos)

Here in Section 7 you’re supported to do 4 practical exercises called Outer Reviews, to assess your external life situation, looking to see if there is anything that needs to be adjusted in order to support your inner peace. You will be guided through an energy expenditure review, an environmental review, a relationship stock-take and a values alignment check.

Because despite all your own inner state changes, you may also become aware that no matter how much you grow yourself, there might be some things about your life situation that you just don’t want or need anymore, and that new choices and direct changes are required. So you have the opportunity to spring-clean important aspects of your life – to consciously choose what to keep and what to drop, what to reduce exposure to, and what to increase – in order to support optimal inner peace and your BEST LIFE experience.

What Sorts of Every Day Situations & Challenges Will the Course Help Me With?

In Section 4 of the course, you’ll discover how to bring inner peace to yourself and to life in the face of 15 common every day challenges – integrating new ways of perceiving, responding and behaving into your daily life. There is a training video for each of these challenges, plus an 18-page PDF Practical Modules Guide that you can refer to as you work through the videos and as you apply the approaches in your daily life!

15 Common Issues & Peace Solutions

  • How to deal with your resistance to anything (a situation, person, or life!), so you can instead let go and peacefully observe (The Practice of Peaceful Observation).
  • How to deal with incessant, noisy and/or negative thoughts, so you can detach instead of getting lost in your mind (The Practice of Peaceful Detachment).
  • How to deal with your negative, impulsive reactions to situations/life, so you can pause and instead respond peacefully (The Practice of Peaceful Response).
  • How to deal with confusion, overwhelm and being lost in the details of a situation, so you can instead step back and come to a higher perspective (The Practice of Peaceful Higher Perspective).
  • How to deal with your dislike, upset, anger toward or conflict with people and/or society when they don’t fit your values or meet your expectations, so you can move into acceptance, detachment and/or compassion (The Practice of Peaceful Humanity).
  • How to deal with challenging people / challenges in your close relationships (intimate, family, friends, social or professional), so you can positively move forward and deepen those relationships (The Practice of Peaceful Relationship).
  • How to deal with your own internal (or external!) complaining, blaming, judging, negativity towards yourself or others, so you can clean yourself of these things when they arise and return rapidly to peace (The Practice of Peaceful Reconciliation of Mental Violence).
  • How to deal with lack of clarity, indecision, difficult decisions or analysis paralysis, so you can calmly see your options more clearly and feel empowered to make optimal choices (The Practice of Peaceful Choices).
  • How to deal with struggling to create change or achieve goals, when forcing, frustrated, trying hard and/or getting nowhere, so you can instead take powerful action, from powerful energy and achieve optimal results (The Practice of Peaceful Action).
  • How to deal with communicating or negotiating with others (personally or professionally) when you feel upset, under pressure, putting yourself “out there” or on the line, needing to convince someone, feeling uneasy or lacking confidence, so you can instead be confident and empowered when conveying your message (The Practice of Peaceful Communication & Negotiation).
  • How to deal with lack of connection with others, lack of depth in relationships, situations where your ego takes over and/or misunderstandings arise, so you can instead have amazing soul-to-soul connection with people and benefit from fruitful interactions and relationships (The Practice of Peaceful Listening).
  • How to deal with attachment to the past, where you’re holding onto things that happened moments ago, weeks ago, years or decades ago, so you can instead be free and live in the present moment to fully enjoy your life (The Practice of Peaceful Letting Go).
  • How to deal with fear and anxiety, so you can instead be calm and at ease in the present moment, as well as excited and positive about the future (The Practice of Peaceful NOW Living).
  • How to deal with unmet desires, impatience, frustration, sense of failure, feeling unsupported and/or being very attached to outcomes when you’re creating your best life, so you can instead passionately co-create your goals and vision in partnership with the Universe (The Practice of Peaceful Co-Creation).
  • How to deal with lack of confidence, lack of self-love and self-acceptance, feeling not good enough, feeling like you don’t fit in and comparing yourself to others, so you can instead beam with confidence and personal power, embracing exactly who you are (The Practice of Peaceful Soul Shining).

The Power that Inner Peace Brings to Your Life!

Types of Flow On Effects from this Way of Living with Inner Peace…

  • Increased self-awareness and presence.
  • More effectively able to manage low vibration (“negative”) thought/feeling patterns.
  • Responding calmly and confidently to triggers (difficult people, events, circumstances), taking a measured and considered approach (no longer impulsively reacting).
  • Greater leverage, clarity and energy for creating positive changes.
  • Optimal state of being for powerful decision making and actions, for achieving your goals and aspirations.
  • A state of ease and flow from which to co-create with the Universe, manifesting results.
  • Positive impacts on relationships, through your shift in energy and new way of perceiving and interacting. Creator greater quality and depth of relationships.
  • Ability to simply “be” with the issues other people/society are facing without reacting or taking it on.
  • Increased spiritual connectedness (knowing yourself to be more than mind and body, feeling aligned to your soul and the Universe, knowing how you’re connected to everything and everyone).
  • Comfort in understanding you are not creating your life alone, and how supported you are by the Universe.
  • More clearly noticing intuition, and more self-awareness from which to balance logic and intuition (head/heart complementing each other).
  • Improved foundation for physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
  • Detachment from and acceptance of the things you can’t control.
  • Ability to be calm in the face of stressors in daily life.
  • Skills to navigate uncertainty and confusion with a level head.
  • More effectively deal with life’s challenges, with grace, knowing how to see challenges in the context of your life/soul journey as part of your evolutionary process, and the ability to look at what challenges gift you.
  • Enhanced ability to communicate confidently and clearly, and to listen well.
  • Relief and healing by seeing the past differently and letting go.
  • Heightened self-confidence, self-acceptance and self-love.
  • An equilibrium within yourself, where you are a clear channel for your soul to shine out into the world, no longer blocked and held back by a foggy and unpeaceful paradigm!
  • More ease, grace and flow within yourself and your life, irrespective of circumstances.

Instructor Profile

About Bernadette Logue

Bernadette Logue is the Leader of The Daily Positive, and is known to everyone as “B”.

She is a Transformation Life Coach, the author of 3 personal growth books, and an expert in personal transformation.

In leading our TDP community with extensive free resources as well as premium content (courses, live programs, and our EvolveHQ private personal growth membership), B draws upon her unique skill set and background. This includes corporate peak performance coaching experience, extensive personal development knowledge and life coaching expertise, merged seamlessly with age-old spiritual wisdom and conscious living practices.

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