Amanda Bucci – Bucci Biz Builder Bundle

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Amanda Bucci – Bucci Biz Builder Bundle
You compare yourself constantly, and avoid showing up online because of it.
You feel like you’ve been stuck at the same follower count 5ever and don’t know how to GROW.
Even if you are growing, you don’t feel like you’re attracting the RIGHT clients who want to work with you.
You’re not sure how to convert potential leads into clients and feel like you’re losing opportunties left and right.
You struggle with coming up with content ideas that don’t sound like every other coaches’ content ideas.
You’re not sure how to do that whole “trust creation thing” because you’ve been trying and it’s just not working for you.
You don’t want to feel “salesly” and will avoid charging what you’re worth just so you don’t annoy people with high prices.
You hear everyone saying “start relationships and DM conversations” but feel like you scare people away whenever you try.
You’re charging less than $200/month for your programs and not selling them, so why would anyone pay for double that?
You feel like starting or growing your business is essentially like jumping off a cliff and building a helicopter on the way down.
You have no clue how to show a stranger the value of your program because you’re not even sure of the value of it yourself.
You feel like you’re sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else build their dream lives when you’re still stuck in your current reality.
You struggle with overwhelm, and overwhelm creates anxiety, and axiety creates lack of confidence…so you avoid doing what you need to be doing.
You’re waiting until you feel “more qualified and experienced” to start, even though you know you’ll actually gain that experience from “starting….”
Even if you ARE confident in your prices, you still will let people off the phone when they don’t jump for joy when you announce your prices because you’re scared of “pushing them”.
You’ve tried the whole “social media thing” and quite literally thing the algorithm hates you, no one ever sees your content, and you’re talking to a wall all of the time.
You feel like you’ve listened to SO many podcasts and watched SO many peoples InstaStories…and still have no clue how to “put all of the pieces together”.
You can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel working your retail, 9-5, or job that’s not fulfilling you because you just don’t understand how you could ever replace your income right now.
About Product
A. Product Quality
- I will provide GOOD quality of courses.
- I also provide sample of the courses if you would like.
Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me via email: [email protected]
We sure that your problem will be support as soon as possible.
B. Digital Shipping Process
After your Order, I will send you PCLOUD, MEGA, OR GOOGLE DRIVE LINKS OF COURSES through email in 5 minutes – 8 hours. If any issue, we will inform you as soon as possible.
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